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What's in your kitchen?

When it came time to create my wedding registry, I made sure to seek the advice of my expert Pork Cracklins cooking friends. They helped me quite a bit. Sometimes I'd have the right idea for an item, but maybe not have selected the best version of it. For items that weren't for sale at the two stores where I was registered, I just kept a list on the side, and mentioned an item off the list when someone asked if there was something specific I wanted. I also looked at other brides' registries for ideas.

Since then, I have been buying items as the need arises, such as a dutch oven and toaster. Very often I find that either Cook's Illustrated or Fine Cooking has mentioned the item, or ran some tests of the item across various brands and given them ratings. (I also buy some of my food this way!)

Two friends of mine are marrying soon, and the list of items on their registry was pretty short. I decided to offer them some suggestions, and found a way to create a public wish list on Amazon with all the items. I added comments, priorities and quantities to each item as well. Just like photographers like to learn about and share what's in your bag, I think cooks are equally interested in what's in your kitchen!

What's in my kitchen?

PS - I do not actually have any pink appliances.... or any All-Clad!


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Comments (2)

oooh! You need All Clad!

Great idea! I like how you added comments.

I saw your pepper ball on there, and wanted to mention that I went through a whole obsession with pepper mills a few years back. I was longing for a pepper mill that would spew out prolific quantities of freshly ground pepper without a lot of effort. Cook's Illustrated to the rescue! They suggested the Magnum Plus and it's been a dream (expensive, but worth it).

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 20, 2007 3:51 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Grilled Asian Pork Tenderloin with Peanut Sauce.

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