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Time with Grandma

I just finished spending two weeks with my Grandma. I brought a bunch of cooking magazines, so we could get ideas on things to make. We went through them and I made up a list of recipes and wrote down the ingredients. I went shopping and bought tons of food. Unfortunately, we ran out of time before I could try the Cottage Pie or the turkey for two recipe in the latest fine Cooking issue. Also, I didn't get a chance to make banana nut bread which would have been SO easy! Time just ran out, and things were more difficult with a non-working grill. From calling my cousin, we learned it didn't work because it was out of gas. So on my last day, I refilled the propane tank, and whipped up some Well Done (Cheese) Burgers Done Well. They turned out nice, but not as GREAT as I remembered them. I think it really makes a difference having fresh ingredients.

I got Grandma hooked up with a West Bend electric can opener, since she has a hard time using a manual one. I also bought her a new peeler since I was planning on peeling potatoes for that Cottage Pie! I looked in two stores for a 100% silicone spatula, and couldn't find one that was "normal" shaped. I will have to buy one here and ship it to her. They are wonderful. (I found mine at Target, even!)

On my last night with my Grandma, we decided to go out. Grandma had spent at least the last two weeks not going out of her house any farther than the driveway. So we went to a Chinese restaurant that is always so friendly to us, and we both visited the local Sur La Table for the first time ever!!! I was so worried they were going to be rude and push us out the door as we only got there 15-20 minutes before closing. However, they still had their doors wide open well after "closing"! I'm not sure if it was because a cooking class was going on in the back or what, but it was so nice to just browse around. I cannot wait for Austin to get its own Sur La Table!

I came home and found two new cooking gadgets waiting for me... a new KitchenAid toaster and a set of odd-sizes measuring spoons. Next, we need to get the stove reconnected to the gas line.


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Comments (2)


aww! That's AWESOME!


it's always nice to come home to new kitchen gadgets:)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 30, 2006 7:12 PM.

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