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Better Blueberry Pancakes

I love to make pancakes and enjoy making whole wheat and gingerbread pancakes. This recipe gives you really yummy normal-looking pancakes with blueberries in them! Blueberries are so easy to break, and if you just break one, the juice will turn the batter a less appetizing blue-gray color. So in this recipe, you just drop the blueberries into the batter once it's already cooking! It makes the pancakes look normal on top, but with blueberries inside and showing through on the bottom.

I loved how this recipe uses everything that you probably already have on hand (except for a lemon and blueberries). No special trip to the store just to buy buttermilk! This recipe took longer than all my other recipes, but it was well worth the extra effort. These were 5 star pancakes according to my Grandma. We halved the recipe, and it was just perfect for two!

I also learned how nice and easy it is to cook pancakes on a griddle. The sidebar article highly recommended the BroilKing griddle and West Bend as a second choice. The article mentions uneven cooking, and just like my Grandmother warned, one side of her griddle did not get quite as hot as the other side.

  • Best Blueberry Pancakes (Cook's Illustrated, p. 20. No dates on this issue! Sometime past 2003. It is a darker red with pears on the cover. Amy gave it to me, so may not even be from this year.)
  • Bacon cooked by Grandma
  • Honeydew melon sliced by Grandma


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Comments (2)


One word...YUM!


I think that's a sample issue thingie that they send out to get people to subscribe?

Pancakes look yummy! Love the picture of Grandma waiting to dig in!

Now, please tell me that you use real maple syrup? Preferably Grade B. Not fakey cornsyrupproductwithpretendmapleflavor.

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