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Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Orange-Garlic Wet Rub

Jay and I perused the Summer Grilling issue of Cook's Illustrated again because we just love using the grill! We found a recipe for grilling pork tenderloin along with two wet rubs and one dry rub. We decided on the Orange-Garlic Wet Rub. This was my first time grilling pork tenderloin, so I was a little worried that it might be too dry. The recipe called for an hour of brining the pork in the fridge, so I did that while preparing the wet rub. The timing worked out well, and the recipe was pretty simple.

The grilling instructions weren't quite as clear as they usually are, but it said to grill on four sides. Well, with our cuts, we only found it possible to grill on two sides. I had visions of dry meat, charred black on two sides. As Jay grilled the meat, I prepared some asparagus to be grilled. As the meat cooled, he grilled the asparagus, and did an even better job grilling it than last time!

The pork tenderloins were unbelievably juicy. Next time I'll need to place them on a cutting board with grooves to collect all the juices! It was really really yummy, too!

  • How to Grill Pork Tenderloin (Cook's Illustrated, Summer 2006, p.36)
  • Orange-Garlic Wet Rub (Cook's Illustrated, Summer 2006, p.37)
  • Grilled Asparagus (Cook's Illustrated, Summer 2006, p.42)


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Comments (3)

Brining is an awsome way to prepare meat. That probably helped with keeping it moist. Also - I use an instant-read thermometer to make sure everything is perfectly cooked.

Sounds really tasty (except for the asparagus, ewww!). :)


I love pork tenderloin. It's so versatile.


Sheri told me about your site:) Pork tenderloin is my very favorite kind of meat - versatile is such a perfect word to describe it. Oh, and I love the way pee smells after eating asparagus:D

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