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June 2006 Archives

June 26, 2006

Boos Board!

Jay is gone so I've been making pasta this and pasta that this weekend. Tonight I hit HEB on Parmer/Mopac and for once appreciated its amazing selection.

I came home and cooked perogies with a store bought garlic and herb marinara sauce to which I added mushrooms and red peppers. I also bought some sourdough bread and heated it up and had it with some olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Ah, a(nother) taste of Santa Cruz.

My sister Mary got me a Boos Board cutting board for my birthday. I asked her for it because I couldn't register for one earlier and Sheri had recommended it. I'm so impressed with the place Mary bought it from, because even though I told her about it on Wednesday, it had arrived by Friday! When I pulled it out of the box, I thought that perhaps it was too small. Then I put it in the ktichen and realized if it was any bigger, it would take up too much counter space, and it would be WAY too heavy to lift. From using it so far, it's just the perfect size (16 x 10 x 1). So far it has been used for 3 meals, and on it I have (or Chris has) cut red peppers, cheese, basil, eggplant, tomatoes, red onion, garlic, red peppers again and mushrooms!

If I ever get a surfboard, I'm calling it Boos. or Frankie. or Nick!

About June 2006

This page contains all entries posted to Kosher-Style Pork Cracklins in June 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

July 2006 is the next archive.

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